Conference Support for EAD Students
Students who have had papers accepted at conferences, or who have been nominated and selected for special Graduate Student Seminars, which some of the associations hold, are eligible to apply for financial support for travel and conference related expenses. In most cases, doctoral students presenting papers will receive up to $400. MA students are eligible for support up to $200. Exact amount of support will depend on the level of expenses associated with a particular conference (e.g., distance to travel, length, etc.). A student should expect to receive only one allocation of $400 per year.
To apply for department support, please complete the EAD Conference Support Application and submit the printed or e-mail attachment to Marilyn Amey, Professor and Chairperson, Department of Educational Administration, Rm. 418 Erickson Hall. (
Information for International students
The ComUNITY group in EAD creates programs that aid international and students of color in transitioning to graduate school at Michigan State University through a four-tier program:
- Pre-Arrival Communication and Welcome Orientation
- Identifying Critical Resources for New Students
- Academic and Cultural Orientation Workshops
- Facilitate Mentor Matching
Common Questions
Increasingly, international students find a home in K-12 Educational Administration for their masters and doctoral studies. Currently enrolled Educational Administration (K-12 and HALE) students come from around the globe including Pakistan, Cambodia, Kenya, Indonesia, China, Viet Nam, and Mexico. Study in our programs introduces international students to educational policy formulation and enactment; organization and management of public, private, and charter schools; and ways in which administrative leaders and teacher leaders encourage instructional improvement.
“Life long learner” and “Graduate certificate” are registration categories used when students who are not admitted into any degree program take a class at MSU. Student may transfer no more than 10 credits total from life long learner and/or graduate certificate and/or other university course work. In other words, students must earn a minimum of 20 credits as admitted degree program students. Credits transferred into a degree program cannot be more than 5 years old at the time a student completes (not enters) his or her MA degree program. ** Students are warned that MSU’s registration system allows individuals to register for classes without being an admitted degree program student. Do not make the mistake of thinking that because you succeed in registering for classes and taking classes that you are therefore admitted. You must apply to the program and be accepted. You will not be able to transfer more than 10 credits taken before being admitted (i.e. under Life Long or Graduate Certificate status) into your MA in K-12 Administration degree.
The K-12 Administration program accepts 6 credits from MSU student’s 5th year teacher intern program.
A PID is your student identification number at Michigan State University. Use of the PID eliminates using your social security number. A PAN is your 4 digit code for registering for classes. Do not share these numbers with others. Visit their website to get information on how to activate your account:
The time limit policy for masters degree set by the Graduate School of Michigan State University is 5 years. The 5-year window begins with the date of the earliest credits in the degree program; this includes any transfer, Life Long or Graduate Certificate credits transferred into the degree program. Students who encounter events that make it difficult to complete the degree within 5 years can speak to their advisor about applying for a time extension. In general, extensions are considered for students who graduated from MSU’s 5th year Teacher Internship program and for students who take medical, maternity or paternity leave during the program.
Meet with a program advisor to consider how you might jointly earn the School Administrator Certificate and the Central Office Endorsement through an expanded Ed.S or Ph.D degree program.