MAET on Pinterest


There’s quite a bit of buzz around Pinterest. Some have even coined the phenomenon “pinsanity.” This infographic from demonstrates just how viral Pinterest is (click image to enlarge):

If you go to Pinterest and click on the about page to find out “What is Pinterest?” you will see the following:
Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard.
Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.
While many Pinterest users do use the site for DIY, wedding, foodie or craft curation, there is increasing number of educators who are repurposing the site for education. For example, one of our students, 4th grade teacher Kim Powell, has curated quite an extensive list of educational links on her board:
Being an educational technology program we have to stay on top of things and dive in to evaluate the potential for using Pinterest our own teaching and program development. To start out, we are using Pinterest to showcase and share the wonderful work developed and published by our students an alumni. We have three boards started, MAET Student Capstone Portfolios, CEP820 Teaching Online Showcase and a board with important MAET links.
We invite you to check them…or should I say…start following our pins as we will be adding more as we get deeper into evaluating and repurposing Pinterest!
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