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5 + infinity things you can do with a degree in Educational Technology


This is the first of a series of posts addressing commonly asked MAET “Career Counseling” questions.Ā  One of the most frequently asked questions lately has been “what can I do with my Master of Arts in Educational Technology degree?”Ā  Here are 5 + infinity things you can do with a degree in Educational Technology: Classroomā€¦ Read More »



MACUL is always an amazing and energizing conference, and this year was no exception. While we know you work hard everyday to integrate technology into your practice, itā€™s wonderful to take a few days to celebrate and showcase your hard work. We are extremely proud of our students, alumni and faculty who represented Michigan Stateā€¦ Read More »



One of our favorite times of the year has arrived – MACUL! MACUL is our chance to interact face-to-face with our alumni, students and friends here in Michigan. This year’s conference (held March 7-9 in Grand Rapids) is full of incredible opportunities and it’s hard to express how excited we are to see everyone. Ourā€¦ Read More »

Sir Kenneth Robinson @ MSU – March 21, 2012

Sir Kenneth Robinson @ MSU – March 21, 2012

THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS AT MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESENTS :                   An Evening with Sir Kenneth Robinson Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Pasant Theatre – Wharton Center for Performing Arts 4:00-5:30pm – Student Experience with Sir Kenneth Robinson – Jackson Lounge, Wharton Center for Performing Artsā€¦ Read More »

Broad Art Museum Documentary – Request for Student Engagement


The following opportunity was passed along to our program, we certainly encourage MAET students to participate! —- Michael Rush, Min Jung Kim, and Linda Stanford are working with Gary Reid and Tim Zeko in WKAR to produce a documentary on the Broad Art Museum. The collection of footage began in 2007. Recently, MSU asked Ultanā€¦ Read More »

College News

College News

Michelle Schira Hagerman, a doctoral student in the Educational Psychology and Educational Technology program at MSU, has received a $20,000 award to support her dissertation research on online reading comprehension. The one year fellowship, which runs from September 2011 to September 2012, comes from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Connecting to MSU

Connecting to MSU

Most students use Wikipedia to help with homework or fact checking. However, some Michigan State University students have turned the tables, helping Wikipedia by editing content and, more importantly, getting published as part of a class project.

Grants and Other Funding


MACUL Grant Program
The application window is now open for MACUL members to apply for a MACUL Grant (up to $1500) to support effective use of technology in the classroom.