Kerry Guiliano was a happy hybrid student in our MAET program until 2011 – that was when she graduated! Allyson Dewar received her degree in May, 2012. As of this school year they are now colleagues, working as technology integration specialists with Oakland Schools (ISD) Technology Services Field Services. Their experience in the MAET program and their new jobs afford them a lot of insights about technology in the classroom. Let’s congratulate them on the new jobs and gain insight into their new positions.
Describe for us a special MAET moment or insight:
Kerry: I realized I can do anything I set my mind to. Any information I need is available to me as long as I know the right place to look. I don’t have to know it all, I just have to know how to figure it out (and that I’m capable of figuring it out!)
Allyson: Collaborating and creating some great class projects with classmates all over the world – It was totally awesome!
How would you describe new job? What is the best thing about it? What are the challenges?
Kerry: I work solely with teachers and students to integrate effective and meaningful edtech into their classrooms. The absolute best part is that I get to help push the district to try new things and change the technology culture and attitude in the district. A big challenge also deals with this same thing – I get a lot of pushback when I suggest new ideas that I feel will really engage students in meaningful learning, even though I always offer proof and concrete evidence that supports my ideas.
Allyson: I know this may sound “cheesy” but my new position is my dream job Some of my duties include creating and providing training and professional development to staff, assisting educators with educational technology classroom planning, team teaching and modeling lessons pre K-12, integrating classroom technology with best practices, acting as a “leader” in regards to instructional technology, and most importantly identifying what technology works best for each teacher. Technology combined with pedagogy and content is the recipe for creating outstanding, real-world lessons. I am here to help these two districts “cook up” this recipe! As a teacher, I instructed at the elementary and middle school level. It was hard to leave the classroom but this position allows me to still visit and teach/team teach in areas outside of my usual comfort level- Spanish, music, pre-school, high school…Daily, I learn SO much about SO many different areas, not just technology integration. As I mentioned before, I was a classroom teacher…for 8 years. This experience allows me to form a closer bond with the people in my districts. This position is extremely fast-paced and time management/prioritizing is KEY along with developing and maintaining relationships. The whole “business” aspect (work phone, iPad, constant calls and e-mails etc.) took some getting used to. You also need to stay positive and maintain patience with those that don’t feel as passionate about Ed Tech you do
How did MAET prepare you for this position?
Kerry: For me the focus of my MAET program wasn’t about learning new technologies, though I did learn A LOT. It was about giving me the confidence and know-how to teach myself – the ability to identify what works best in a given situation doesn’t hurt either. The educational theories behind technology integration and classroom use, especially the TPACK framework, help me every single day.
Allyson: One main aspect that was stressed in my capstone course was the ability to stay current in Ed Tech because it is an ever-evolving field. The MAET program equipped me with this ability which I believe will help me succeed in my position.
What are your favorite tools, apps, or teaching activities?
Kerry: It honestly depends on the needs of the teacher and what is available to them. For me, I love the transformative learning that occurs when you utilize mobile technologies in the classroom. Whether it’s BYOD, 1:1, one device per class, carts, etc, there is always something that we can do to create positive learning outcomes. One of my favorite new apps is called Aurasma. You can make “auras”, which is based on augmented reality, and can really change your classroom. I also love QR Codes in the classroom – done correctly it has a lot of potential. Both of these apps/ideas are available for most devices, and work on both the Android and iOS platform.
Allyson: iPads, Apple TV, Chromebooks, Google Drive, Digital Storytelling, QR Codes, Social Networking
How can we stay in touch with you and your work?
Twitter: @kerryguiliano
Google+: Kerry Guiliano
Work Website:
Twitter: @dewcmu
Online Portfolio-
What advice would you give to prospective or current students in the MAET program?
Kerry: Network your heart out with other MAET program grads, students and professors. I graduated in 2011 and I still lean on these colleagues when I have ideas or am searching for a new way to do something. My good friend that I met during the Hybrid On-Campus Summer Program (totally worth it!) and I attend conferences together and run new ideas by each other via phone/email/twitter often.
Also, be OPEN to change. There is no doubt that you are going to come across something in this program that is SO different that it will blow your mind – that’s okay. It’s not wrong or bad, it’s just different. Allowing yourself to view all sides to the technology/teaching strategy/method will only give you a more profound look into edtech today and will positively impact your knowledge-base.
Allyson: I have recommended this program to many colleagues who were unsure of a master’s path. The sky is the limit with this program. It has the ability to open up so many doors that you probably don’t even realize exist. Embrace the relationships you will create and continue to network with your professors and classmates. The program, at times is very demanding but well worth the time, passion and energy! I am VERY proud to be a graduate of this program.
Summarize your experience with the MAET program in 3 sentences:
Kerry: They say the MAET program is on the leading edge of edtech and that’s an understatement. The MAET IS the leading edge – they are constantly changing, adjusting, fine-tuning and pushing the so-called limit in this field. I am so proud and honored that I had the chance to be a part of this program, but mostly I am THANKFUL that I chose this program. It has changed my life!
Allyson: Back in 2009, I entered the program with satisfactory skills and knowledge in regards to educational technology. Rigorous and relevant coursework, combined with constant collaboration between classmates and professors provided me the foundation to be an educational technology leader amongst colleagues. My MAET degree has helped me lay the foundation to go forth and continue to grow in the Ed Tech field.