MAET Mini-MOOC on Remote Teaching

Alt text: Explore high-priority topics related to remote teaching. Create no-tech, low-tech, and high-tech strategies and artifacts. Share questions, resources, and more with a global community. Free to all educators!


The Master of Arts in Educational Technology Program at Michigan State University is honored to support the amazing work that educators are doing around the world as they transition to a range of remote teaching contexts. Our Mini-MOOC on Remote Teaching focuses on high-priority, digestible topics with the intent of applying them to practice tomorrow. Because educators are teaching across a range of remote teaching contexts, we include no-tech, low-tech, and high-tech strategies throughout the experience.

  • Unit 1: Norms, foundations, trauma-informed teaching
  • Unit 2: Teacher and student well-being, creating routines
  • Unit 3: Basic accessibility practices for text and media
  • Unit 4: Fair use, copyright, and Creative Commons
  • Unit 5: Communication, presence, and community-building
  • Unit 6: Learning experience design structures
  • Unit 7: Engagement and Universal Design for Learning
  • Unit 8: Assessment, feedback, and evaluation

The Mini-MOOC is a self-paced learning experience. Join this global, dynamic community to explore, create, and share today!


How to enroll if you are not a member of the MSU community

Create an MSU Guest Account. Please follow Steps 1 and 2 (linked below) to register for a Guest Account. Note: It may take up to 15 minutes for your account to become active.

  1. Part 1: Initial registration
  2. Part 2: Complete registration

How to enroll if you are a member of the MSU community

  1. Follow this self-enrollment link to enroll in the course. Log in using your MSU NetID and password. Perform the two-factor authentication if needed.
  2. Click the “Enroll” button that appears under “Enrollment Status.”
  3. On the self-enrollment page, you can follow the “Course Home Page” link to be taken to the course and can click on the “Content” tab to start your learning journey.

Questions or issues with enrollment? Please contact us at

Professional Development (PD) Hours and Potential Credit Info

Because every region’s licensure and renewal program is different, we recommend reaching out to someone in your school or district who is a Professional Development (PD) provider or authorizer to see if your school or district will accept the Mini-MOOC experience as district-provided PD hours if your region does not already have guidance for PD experiences like this. We estimate that each unit takes about 2 hours to complete, for a total of 16 PD hours upon completion of the entire Mini-MOOC. A certificate of participation is available in Unit 8 to submit as proof of participation. If your school or district has any questions as they consider approving the Mini-MOOC for PD hours, we are happy to answer their questions at

Graduate credit opportunity via an independent study:

We’ve received some inquiries about earning graduate credits through the Mini-MOOC experience. If you are interested in this opportunity, please review the MAET Mini-MOOC Independent Study Credit Options document and send any questions to