MACUL 2021 Recap and President’s Award


On March 18 and 19, 2021, Team MAET joined educators from around Michigan to attend the Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) Annual Conference – held virtually for COVID-19 safety reasons. 

We were thrilled and honored to receive the 2021 President’s Award for the MAET Mini-MOOC in Remote Teaching

We look forward to MACUL each year for these wonderful opportunities to connect with and learn from our incredible MAET students, alumni, and instructors! The following amazing MAET educators facilitated sessions during the conference: Alex Milton, Dawn Pincumbe, Lauren Villaluz, Rachelle Galang, Stefanie Hebden, Jillian Johnson, Lisa Whiteside, Priscila Miller, Lauren Marchelletta, and Du Bui. Check out this curated list of sessions facilitated by members of the MAET community.

We hosted a lunchtime Zoom MAET Meet-Up, which gave us the chance to connect with members of the community. We loved seeing so many familiar faces!

Screen capture of a Zoom video conference featuring different faces of MAET program staff, students, and alumni

In a new twist this year, MAET was pleased to provide financial support for 116 MSU Teacher Education interns to attend the conference hoping to support the educational technology knowledge of the next generation of teachers in Michigan. 

Finally, we proudly hosted a session about social justice in educational technology and had a wonderful hackathon/design thinking sprint and conversations with our participants to support their social justice work in ed tech. We can’t wait for next spring for MACUL 2022!Screen capture of a Zoom session with four women (Mary Wever, Brittany Dillman, Liz Boltz, and Candace Robertson) pictured at bottom. Top image is the slide deck for their MACUL session, Plug Social Justice into Ed Tech.