MSU’s 2021 ATT Awards


Each year, MSU recognizes outstanding technology-enabled courses with the AT&T Faculty and Staff Award Competition in Instructional Technology. MAET is honored to have received two of these prestigious awards for the 2021 academic year.

CEP 815: Technology and Leadership was named as Best Enhanced Course.

In the midst of stay-at-home orders going into effect, co-instructors Kyle Shack and Candace Robertson brainstormed ways to connect learners who were feeling isolated. To humanize the experience and strengthen connections, they audio recorded the content in CEP 815 so learners could have the option to listen and/or read the content. This increased the accessibility of the course and also acknowledged the competing responsibilities that learners faced by allowing them to listen while walking or driving, engaging in caregiving responsibilities, etc. CEP 815 is one of the elective courses for the MAET program.

CEP 817: Learning Technology by Design was named as the Best Fully Online Course.

Under the leadership of instructors and MAET staff including Dr. Liz Owens Boltz, Dr. Bret Staudt-Willet, Dr. Carmen Richardson, William Bork, and Candace Robertson, CEP 817 is built on the Stanford Design School’s Design Thinking model. Throughout the course, learners empathize, design, ideate, prototype, and test around a problem of practice unique to their professional context. Learners use technology to explore trends, create solutions, and share their designed experience to help address their professional challenges. CEP 817 is an elective course for the MAET program and one of the three courses that comprise the Online Teaching and Learning Graduate Certificate.

In March 2021, these MAET courses (and 2020’s winners, CEP 833 and CEP 810) were recognized at the AT&T Awards Ceremony.

Screen capture of a Zoom session featuring text on the left and an image of a man in a suit on the right, who is speaking. Text lists all of the recipients of the AT&T Awards from 2020 and 2021.