Realizing new learning for all students: A framework for the professional development of Kentucky teachers | McDiarmid, G. W. | April 1995 |
The teaching and learning of history-From the inside out. | McDiarmid, G. W., & Vinten-Johansen | November 1995 |
Educating teachers for cultural diversity. | Zeichner, K. M. | February 1993 |
Teacher education and the case idea. | Sykes, G., & Bird, T. | August 1992 |
Learning from the first years of classroom teaching: The journey in, the journey out. | Featherstone, H. | July 1992 |
Mentoring in Context: A Comparison of Two U.S. Programs for Beginning Teachers | Feiman-Nemser, Sharon, and Michelle B. Parker | May 1992 |
Findings from the Teacher Education and Learning to Teach study: Final report, the National Center for Research on Teacher Education. | NCRTL | July 1991 |
An Agenda for Research on Teacher Learning. | Kennedy, Mary M | May 1991 |
Toto, I Don’t Think We’re in Kansas anymore”: Entering the Land of Pulbic Disagreement in Learning to Teach. | Pfeiffer, L. & Featherstone, H. | March 1997 |
Stalking the Schoolwork Module: Teaching Prospective Teachers to Write Historical Narratives | McDiarmid, G. W. & Vinten-Johansen, P. | February 1997 |
Making Peace With Ambiguity: The Symbiotic Interaction Between Prospective Teachers’ Subject Matter Knowledge and Intellectual Development. | Holt-Reynolds, D. | January 1997 |
Teacher Learning in the Context of the SDP – What Are the Opportunities? What is the Context? | Neufeld, Barbara | August 1995 |
Searching Literature for Moral Guidance : The Development of a Prospective English Teacher | Malenka, Margaret M. | July 1995 |
Prospective Teachers Beliefs and Teacher Education Pedagogy | Anderson, Linda M. and Diane Holt-Reynolds | June 1995 |
Supporting Teachers’ Understanding of Educational Research in a Master’s Level Research Course | Tiezzi, Linda J. and John S. Zeuli | May 1995 |
Teacher Education for Cultural Diversity: Enhancing the Capacity of Teacher Education Institutions to Address Diversity Issues | Melnick, Susan L. and Kenneth M. Zeichner | April 1995 |
Resources for Reform: District Administrators and the Case of Mathematics. | Price, J. N., Ball, D. L., & Luks, S. Marshaling | February 1995 |
Expanding the Equation: Learning Mathematics Through Teaching in New Ways. | Featherstone, H., Smith, S. P., Beasley, K., Corbin, D., & Shank, C | January 1995 |
How three prospective teachers construed three cases of teaching. | Anderson, L. M., & Bird, T. | March 1994 |
Public knowing and private understanding: Two views of reading and teaching literature. | Malenka, M. M., & Smith, S. P. | February 1994 |
How do prospective teachers think about literature and the teaching of literature? | Holt-Reynolds, D., & McDiarmid, G. W. | January 1994 |
How do prospective teachers think about literature and the teaching of literature? | McCarthey, S. J. | April 1993 |
Risks and opportunities of writing from personal experience | McCarthey, S. J. | March 1993 |
Learning in good company: Report on a pilot study. | Featherstone, H., Pfeiffer, L., & Smith, S. P. | February 1993 |
Creating contexts to change teachers’ beliefs about the influence of research. | Zeuli, J. S., & Tiezzi, L. J. | January 1993 |
Are mentor teachers teacher educators? | Feiman-Nemser, S., Parker, M. B., & Zeichner, K. | November 1992 |
Los Angeles mentors: Local guides or educational companions? | Feiman-Nemser, S., & Parker, M. B. | October 1992 |
Teachers’ evaluations of student work | Mead, J. V. | September 1992 |
Pedagogical balancing acts: A teacher educator encounters problems in an attempt to influence prospective teachers’ beliefs. | Bird, T., Anderson, L. M., Sullivan, B. A., & Swidler, S. A | August 1992 |
Creating a flexible and responsive learning environment for general mathematics students. | Kirsner, S. A., & Bethell, S. | July 1992 |
How do teachers understand research when they read it? | Zeuli, J. | June 1992 |
Will teachers say what we want to hear? Dilemmas of teacher voice. | Navarro, J. J. | May 1992 |
Looking at old photographs: Investigating the teacher tales that novice teachers bring with them. | Mead, J. V. | April 1992 |
Teachers’ changing conceptions of writing instruction. | McCarthey, S. J. | March 1992 |
The influence of classroom discourse on student texts: The case of Ella. | McCarthey, S. J. | February 1992 |
Influencing beginning teachers’ practice in mathematics education: Confronting constraints of knowledge, beliefs, and context. | Wilcox, S. K., Lanier, P., Schram, P., & Lappan, G. | January 1992 |
Teaching writing with a new instructional model: Variations in teachers’ beliefs, instructional practice, and their students’ performance. | Anderson, L. M., Raphael, T. E., Englert, C. S., & Stevens, D. D. | July 1991 |
Helping novices learn to teach: Lessons from an experienced support teacher. | Feiman-Nemser, S. | June 1991 |
Practicing what we teach. | Holt-Reynolds, D. | May 1991 |
The dialogues of teacher education: Entering and influencing preservice teachers’ internal conversations. | Holt-Reynolds, D. | April 1991 |
Two cases of students’ internalization of dialogue from writing time. | McCarthey, S. J. | March 1992 |
Changing visions and changing practices: Patchworks in learning to teach mathematics for understanding. | Wilson, S. M., & Ball, D. L. | February 1992 |
The role of a learning community in changing preservice teachers’ knowledge and beliefs about mathematics education. | Wilcox, S. K., Schram, P., Lappan, G., & Lanier, P. | January 1992 |
Assessing Mathematics Performance Assessment : A Continuing Process | Lehman, Michael F. | July 1997 |
The Scary Part Is That It Happens Without Us Knowing | Featherstone, Helen and Patty Gregorich, Lauren Young , Tricia Niesz (1995 | June 1995 |
The Big Old Conversation : Reflections.on Mathematical Tasks and Discourse | Beasley, Kathrene and Helen Featherstone | May 1995 |
Developing Mathematics Reform: What Don’t We Know About Teacher Learning-But Would Make Good Working Hypotheses? | Ball, Deborah | April 1995 |
He Knows There’s Six 100s in 26?” An Investigation Into What it Means to Do Mathematics in a Teacher’s Group | Smith, Stephen P. and Helen Featherstone | March 1995 |
Beyond Exhortations Not to Tell : The Teacher’s Role in Discussion-Intensive Mathematics Classes | Chazan, Daniel and Deborah Ball | February 1995 |
What is a Pattern? An Elementary Teacher’s Early Efforts to Teach Mathematics for Understanding | Heaton, Ruth M. | January 1995 |
Is There a Method in this Madness? | Wilson, S | April 1994 |
Algebra for All Students? | Chazan, D | February 1994 |
Guiding teacher learning: Insider studies of classroom-based work with teachers. | Feiman-Nemser, S., Rosaen, C., Grinberg, J., Harris, D., Parker, M.B., Schwille, S. A., Denyer, J., Jennings, N., & Beasley, K. | January1994 |
Guiding teacher learning: Insider studies of classroom-based work with teachers. | Featherstone, H., Pfeiffer, L., Smith, S. P., Beasley, K., Corbin, D., Derksen, J., Pasek, L., Shank, C., & Shears, M. | February 1993 |
When “I loved your course!” is bad news:The case of Jeneane. | Holt-Reynolds, D. | January 1993 |
Learning to teach the elementary field experience course at a teachers’ junior college in Taiwan. | Wang, L. W. | March 1992 |
Discussing teacher education in China and relevant debates in the United States with a Chinese teacher: A conversation with Yu Yi. | Ma, L. | February 1992 |
Learning to teach in a different culture. | Kennedy, M. M. | January 1992 |
Assessing assessment: Investigating a mathematics performance assessment. | Lehman, M. | March 1991 |
Making conversations about teaching and learning in an introductory teacher education course. | Bird, T. | February 1991 |
Transforming knowledge in undergraduate teacher education. | Reid, G. | January 1991 |
With an eye on the mathematical horizon: Dilemmas of teaching elementary school mathematics. | Ball, D. L. | March 1990 |
Transforming future teachers’ ideas about writing instruction. | Florio-Ruane, S., & Lensmire, T. J. | February 1990 |
Learning to teach: Constructing meaningful understanding of mathematical content. | Lappan, G., & Even, R | March 1989 |
The secret garden of teacher education. | Wilson, S. M. | February 1989 |
A case concerning content: Using case studies to teach subject matter. | Wilson, S. M. | January 1989 |
Estimating the Reliability of the Teacher Questionnaire used in the Teacher Education and Learning to Teach (TELT) Study | Deng, Zongyi | January 1995 |
A study package for examining and tracking changes in teachers’ knowledge. | Kennedy, M. M., Ball, D. L., & McDiarmid, G. W. | January 1993 |
Perspectives on guided practice. | Stoddart, T. | January 1990 |
The Teacher Education and Learning to Teach Study: An occasion for developing a conception of teacher knowledge. | McDiarmid, G. W., & Ball, D. L. | January 1989 |
Observation Guide: University Courses and Workshops. | National Center for Research on Teacher Education | April 1988 |
Liberal Arts Faculty Interview. | National Center for Research on Teacher Education | March 1988 |
Teacher Educator Interview. | National Center for Research on Teacher Education | February 1988 |
Compendium of items for follow-up surveys of teacher education programs. | Freeman, D. J. | January 1988 |
Perspectives on Learning to Teach | Feiman-Nemser, S.& Remillard, J. | March 1995 |
Traditional and alternative routes to teacher certification: Issues, assumptions, and misconceptions. | Stoddart, T., & Floden, R. E. | February 1995 |
Labor relations 101: An undeclared context specific course for prospective teachers in an alternative training program. | Mead, J. V. | January 1995 |
he arts and sciences as preparation for teaching. | WMcDiarmid, G. W. | March 1992 |
Implementing the NCTM Standards: Hopes and hurdles. | Ball, D. L. | February 1992 |
Connecting genuine teacher development to the struggle for social justice. | Zeichner, K. M. | January 1991 |
Learning and action in research reporting. 21 pp. | Buchmann, M. | August 1990 |
Making new or making do: An inconclusive argument about teaching. | Buchmann, M. | July 1990 |
Program coherence in teacher education: A view from the United States. | Buchmann, M., & Floden, R. E | June 1990 |
Using hypermedia technology to support a new pedagogy of teacher education. | Lampert, M., & Ball, D. | May 1990 |
Two views of the role of research on teacher thinking. | Floden, R. E., & Klinzing, H. G., Lampert, M., & Clark, D. | April 1990 |
A survey of recent literature on teachers’ subject matter knowledge. | Kennedy, M. M. | March 1990 |
Conceptual orientations in teacher education. | Feiman-Nemser, S. | February 1990 |
Traditions of reform in teacher education. | Zeichner, K. M., & Liston, D. P. | January 1990 |
The architecture of teaching. | Parker, M. B., Johnson, J., & Elmore, R. | November 1989 |
Breaking with experience: The role of a preservice methods course. | Ball, D. L. | October 1989 |
Educational psychology as a “foundation” in teacher education: Reforming an old notion. | Peterson, P. L., Clark, C. M., & Dickson, P. W. | September 1989 |
What do prospective teachers learn in their liberal arts courses? | McDiarmid, G. W. | August 1989 |
Teacher socialization. | Zeichner, K., & Gore, J. | July 1989 |
Philosophical inquiry in teacher education. | Floden, R. E., & Buchmann, M. | June 1989 |
Teacher preparation: Structural and conceptual alternatives. | Feiman-Nemser, S. | May 1989 |
The subject matter preparation of teachers. | Ball, D. L., & McDiarmid, G. W. | April 1989 |
Means and ends in professional education. | Kennedy, M. M. | March 1989 |
Social organization of classes and schools. | Florio-Ruane, S. | February 1989 |
The careful vision: How practical is contemplation in teaching? | Buchmann, M. | January 1989 |
Teacher education and learning to teach: A research agenda. | NCRTE. | July 1988 |
Why staying one chapter ahead doesn’t really work: Subject-specific pedagogy. | McDiarmid, G. W., Ball, D. L., & Anderson, C. W. | June 1988 |
Many moons: Understanding teacher learning from a teacher education perspective. | McDiarmid, G. W., & Ball, D. L. | May 1988 |
Dialogues in teacher education. | NCRTE. | April 1988 |
Teaching practice: Plus can change … | Cohen, D. K. | March 1988 |
The National Writing Project: Creating community, validating experience, and expanding professional opportunities. | Gomez, M. L. | February 1988 |
Unlearning to teach mathematics. | Ball, D. L.. | January 1988 |
Preparing teachers for uncertainty. | Floden, R. E., & Clark, C. M. | April 1987 |
Intentions, problems and dilemmas: Assessing teacher knowledge through a case method system. | Barnes, H. L. | March 1987 |
Inexact sciences: Professional education and the development of expertise. | Kennedy, M. M | February 1987 |
Teaching knowledge: The lights teachers live by. | Buchmann, M. | January 1987 |
Competing visions of teacher knowledge: Proceedings from an NCRTE seminar for education policymakers-Academic Subjects. Volume 1 | NCRTE. | January 1989 |
Competing visions of teacher knowledge: Proceedings from an NCRTE seminar for education policymakers-Academic Subjects. Vollume2 | NCRTE. | January 1989 |
Teacher education and learning to teach: Proceedings of the first annual NCRTE retreat. | Feiman-Nemser, S. | January 1987 |
Teaching knowledge: The lights teachers live by. | Buchmann, M. | January 1987 |