TitleAuthorsPublication Date
Realizing new learning for all students: A framework for the professional development of Kentucky teachersMcDiarmid, G. W.April 1995
The teaching and learning of history-From the inside out.McDiarmid, G. W., & Vinten-JohansenNovember 1995
Educating teachers for cultural diversity.Zeichner, K. M.February 1993
Teacher education and the case idea.Sykes, G., & Bird, T.August 1992
Learning from the first years of classroom teaching: The journey in, the journey out.Featherstone, H.July 1992
Mentoring in Context: A Comparison of Two U.S. Programs for Beginning TeachersFeiman-Nemser, Sharon, and Michelle B. ParkerMay 1992
Findings from the Teacher Education and Learning to Teach study: Final report, the National Center for Research on Teacher Education.NCRTLJuly 1991
An Agenda for Research on Teacher Learning.Kennedy, Mary MMay 1991
Toto, I Don’t Think We’re in Kansas anymore”: Entering the Land of Pulbic Disagreement in Learning to Teach.Pfeiffer, L. & Featherstone, H.March 1997
Stalking the Schoolwork Module: Teaching Prospective Teachers to Write Historical NarrativesMcDiarmid, G. W. & Vinten-Johansen, P.February 1997
Making Peace With Ambiguity: The Symbiotic Interaction Between Prospective Teachers’ Subject Matter Knowledge and Intellectual Development.Holt-Reynolds, D.January 1997
Teacher Learning in the Context of the SDP – What Are the Opportunities? What is the Context?Neufeld, BarbaraAugust 1995
Searching Literature for Moral Guidance : The Development of a Prospective English TeacherMalenka, Margaret M.July 1995
Prospective Teachers Beliefs and Teacher Education PedagogyAnderson, Linda M. and Diane Holt-ReynoldsJune 1995
Supporting Teachers’ Understanding of Educational Research in a Master’s Level Research CourseTiezzi, Linda J. and John S. ZeuliMay 1995
Teacher Education for Cultural Diversity: Enhancing the Capacity of Teacher Education Institutions to Address Diversity IssuesMelnick, Susan L. and Kenneth M. ZeichnerApril 1995
Resources for Reform: District Administrators and the Case of Mathematics.Price, J. N., Ball, D. L., & Luks, S. MarshalingFebruary 1995
Expanding the Equation: Learning Mathematics Through Teaching in New Ways.Featherstone, H., Smith, S. P., Beasley, K., Corbin, D., & Shank, CJanuary 1995
How three prospective teachers construed three cases of teaching.Anderson, L. M., & Bird, T.March 1994
Public knowing and private understanding: Two views of reading and teaching literature.Malenka, M. M., & Smith, S. P.February 1994
How do prospective teachers think about literature and the teaching of literature?Holt-Reynolds, D., & McDiarmid, G. W.January 1994
How do prospective teachers think about literature and the teaching of literature?McCarthey, S. J.April 1993
Risks and opportunities of writing from personal experienceMcCarthey, S. J.March 1993
Learning in good company: Report on a pilot study.Featherstone, H., Pfeiffer, L., & Smith, S. P.February 1993
Creating contexts to change teachers’ beliefs about the influence of research.Zeuli, J. S., & Tiezzi, L. J.January 1993
Are mentor teachers teacher educators?Feiman-Nemser, S., Parker, M. B., & Zeichner, K.November 1992
Los Angeles mentors: Local guides or educational companions?Feiman-Nemser, S., & Parker, M. B.October 1992
Teachers’ evaluations of student workMead, J. V.September 1992
Pedagogical balancing acts: A teacher educator encounters problems in an attempt to influence prospective teachers’ beliefs.Bird, T., Anderson, L. M., Sullivan, B. A., & Swidler, S. AAugust 1992
Creating a flexible and responsive learning environment for general mathematics students.Kirsner, S. A., & Bethell, S.July 1992
How do teachers understand research when they read it?Zeuli, J.June 1992
Will teachers say what we want to hear? Dilemmas of teacher voice.Navarro, J. J.May 1992
Looking at old photographs: Investigating the teacher tales that novice teachers bring with them.Mead, J. V.April 1992
Teachers’ changing conceptions of writing instruction.McCarthey, S. J.March 1992
The influence of classroom discourse on student texts: The case of Ella.McCarthey, S. J.February 1992
Influencing beginning teachers’ practice in mathematics education: Confronting constraints of knowledge, beliefs, and context.Wilcox, S. K., Lanier, P., Schram, P., & Lappan, G.January 1992
Teaching writing with a new instructional model: Variations in teachers’ beliefs, instructional practice, and their students’ performance.Anderson, L. M., Raphael, T. E., Englert, C. S., & Stevens, D. D.July 1991
Helping novices learn to teach: Lessons from an experienced support teacher.Feiman-Nemser, S.June 1991
Practicing what we teach.Holt-Reynolds, D.May 1991
The dialogues of teacher education: Entering and influencing preservice teachers’ internal conversations.Holt-Reynolds, D.April 1991
Two cases of students’ internalization of dialogue from writing time.McCarthey, S. J.March 1992
Changing visions and changing practices: Patchworks in learning to teach mathematics for understanding.Wilson, S. M., & Ball, D. L.February 1992
The role of a learning community in changing preservice teachers’ knowledge and beliefs about mathematics education.Wilcox, S. K., Schram, P., Lappan, G., & Lanier, P.January 1992
Assessing Mathematics Performance Assessment : A Continuing ProcessLehman, Michael F.July 1997
The Scary Part Is That It Happens Without Us KnowingFeatherstone, Helen and Patty Gregorich, Lauren Young , Tricia Niesz (1995June 1995
The Big Old Conversation : Reflections.on Mathematical Tasks and DiscourseBeasley, Kathrene and Helen FeatherstoneMay 1995
Developing Mathematics Reform: What Don’t We Know About Teacher Learning-But Would Make Good Working Hypotheses?Ball, DeborahApril 1995
He Knows There’s Six 100s in 26?” An Investigation Into What it Means to Do Mathematics in a Teacher’s GroupSmith, Stephen P. and Helen FeatherstoneMarch 1995
Beyond Exhortations Not to Tell : The Teacher’s Role in Discussion-Intensive Mathematics ClassesChazan, Daniel and Deborah BallFebruary 1995
What is a Pattern? An Elementary Teacher’s Early Efforts to Teach Mathematics for UnderstandingHeaton, Ruth M.January 1995
Is There a Method in this Madness?Wilson, SApril 1994
Algebra for All Students?Chazan, DFebruary 1994
Guiding teacher learning: Insider studies of classroom-based work with teachers.Feiman-Nemser, S., Rosaen, C., Grinberg, J., Harris, D., Parker, M.B., Schwille, S. A., Denyer, J., Jennings, N., & Beasley, K.January1994
Guiding teacher learning: Insider studies of classroom-based work with teachers.Featherstone, H., Pfeiffer, L., Smith, S. P., Beasley, K., Corbin, D., Derksen, J., Pasek, L., Shank, C., & Shears, M.February 1993
When “I loved your course!” is bad news:The case of Jeneane.Holt-Reynolds, D.January 1993
Learning to teach the elementary field experience course at a teachers’ junior college in Taiwan.Wang, L. W.March 1992
Discussing teacher education in China and relevant debates in the United States with a Chinese teacher: A conversation with Yu Yi.Ma, L.February 1992
Learning to teach in a different culture.Kennedy, M. M.January 1992
Assessing assessment: Investigating a mathematics performance assessment.Lehman, M.March 1991
Making conversations about teaching and learning in an introductory teacher education course.Bird, T.February 1991
Transforming knowledge in undergraduate teacher education.Reid, G.January 1991
With an eye on the mathematical horizon: Dilemmas of teaching elementary school mathematics.Ball, D. L.March 1990
Transforming future teachers’ ideas about writing instruction.Florio-Ruane, S., & Lensmire, T. J.February 1990
Learning to teach: Constructing meaningful understanding of mathematical content.Lappan, G., & Even, RMarch 1989
The secret garden of teacher education.Wilson, S. M.February 1989
A case concerning content: Using case studies to teach subject matter.Wilson, S. M.January 1989
Estimating the Reliability of the Teacher Questionnaire used in the Teacher Education and Learning to Teach (TELT) StudyDeng, ZongyiJanuary 1995
A study package for examining and tracking changes in teachers’ knowledge.Kennedy, M. M., Ball, D. L., & McDiarmid, G. W.January 1993
Perspectives on guided practice.Stoddart, T.January 1990
The Teacher Education and Learning to Teach Study: An occasion for developing a conception of teacher knowledge.McDiarmid, G. W., & Ball, D. L.January 1989
Observation Guide: University Courses and Workshops.National Center for Research on Teacher EducationApril 1988
Liberal Arts Faculty Interview.National Center for Research on Teacher EducationMarch 1988
Teacher Educator Interview.National Center for Research on Teacher EducationFebruary 1988
Compendium of items for follow-up surveys of teacher education programs.Freeman, D. J.January 1988
Perspectives on Learning to TeachFeiman-Nemser, S.& Remillard, J.March 1995
Traditional and alternative routes to teacher certification: Issues, assumptions, and misconceptions.Stoddart, T., & Floden, R. E.February 1995
Labor relations 101: An undeclared context specific course for prospective teachers in an alternative training program.Mead, J. V.January 1995
he arts and sciences as preparation for teaching.WMcDiarmid, G. W.March 1992
Implementing the NCTM Standards: Hopes and hurdles.Ball, D. L.February 1992
Connecting genuine teacher development to the struggle for social justice.Zeichner, K. M.January 1991
Learning and action in research reporting. 21 pp.Buchmann, M.August 1990
Making new or making do: An inconclusive argument about teaching.Buchmann, M.July 1990
Program coherence in teacher education: A view from the United States.Buchmann, M., & Floden, R. EJune 1990
Using hypermedia technology to support a new pedagogy of teacher education.Lampert, M., & Ball, D.May 1990
Two views of the role of research on teacher thinking.Floden, R. E., & Klinzing, H. G., Lampert, M., & Clark, D.April 1990
A survey of recent literature on teachers’ subject matter knowledge.Kennedy, M. M.March 1990
Conceptual orientations in teacher education.Feiman-Nemser, S.February 1990
Traditions of reform in teacher education.Zeichner, K. M., & Liston, D. P.January 1990
The architecture of teaching.Parker, M. B., Johnson, J., & Elmore, R.November 1989
Breaking with experience: The role of a preservice methods course.Ball, D. L.October 1989
Educational psychology as a “foundation” in teacher education: Reforming an old notion.Peterson, P. L., Clark, C. M., & Dickson, P. W.September 1989
What do prospective teachers learn in their liberal arts courses?McDiarmid, G. W.August 1989
Teacher socialization.Zeichner, K., & Gore, J.July 1989
Philosophical inquiry in teacher education.Floden, R. E., & Buchmann, M.June 1989
Teacher preparation: Structural and conceptual alternatives.Feiman-Nemser, S.May 1989
The subject matter preparation of teachers.Ball, D. L., & McDiarmid, G. W.April 1989
Means and ends in professional education.Kennedy, M. M.March 1989
Social organization of classes and schools.Florio-Ruane, S.February 1989
The careful vision: How practical is contemplation in teaching?Buchmann, M.January 1989
Teacher education and learning to teach: A research agenda.NCRTE.July 1988
Why staying one chapter ahead doesn’t really work: Subject-specific pedagogy.McDiarmid, G. W., Ball, D. L., & Anderson, C. W.June 1988
Many moons: Understanding teacher learning from a teacher education perspective.McDiarmid, G. W., & Ball, D. L.May 1988
Dialogues in teacher education.NCRTE.April 1988
Teaching practice: Plus can change …Cohen, D. K.March 1988
The National Writing Project: Creating community, validating experience, and expanding professional opportunities.Gomez, M. L.February 1988
Unlearning to teach mathematics.Ball, D. L..January 1988
Preparing teachers for uncertainty.Floden, R. E., & Clark, C. M.April 1987
Intentions, problems and dilemmas: Assessing teacher knowledge through a case method system.Barnes, H. L.March 1987
Inexact sciences: Professional education and the development of expertise.Kennedy, M. MFebruary 1987
Teaching knowledge: The lights teachers live by.Buchmann, M.January 1987
Competing visions of teacher knowledge: Proceedings from an NCRTE seminar for education policymakers-Academic Subjects. Volume 1NCRTE.January 1989
Competing visions of teacher knowledge: Proceedings from an NCRTE seminar for education policymakers-Academic Subjects. Vollume2NCRTE.January 1989
Teacher education and learning to teach: Proceedings of the first annual NCRTE retreat.Feiman-Nemser, S.January 1987
Teaching knowledge: The lights teachers live by.Buchmann, M.January 1987