We're here to help you!

Funding Opportunities

The HALE program, the MSU College of Education, and the entire university are fortunate to provide multiple and continuous funding opportunities for HALE doctoral students. Every year, the College of Education awards millions of dollars to graduate students through an array of fellowships, scholarships, and graduate teaching and research assistantships. These awards range from small tuition scholarships to multi-year packages that can provide annual stipends and benefits. Both entering and continuing students are eligible for these awards, although specific awards are targeted to different groups of students. The College of Education typically awards about 400 research and teaching assistantships and over 300 fellowships to graduate students.

Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships

These opportunities are provided both from the College of Education and the university and vary in both scope and responsibilities. In general, most fellowships and assistantships require 20 hours of work per week, and provide students with the following benefits.

Tutition remission of 9 credits per semester
Bi-monthly stipend
Eligibility for discounted dental and vision insurance
Eligibility for graduate assistant parking permit

For information on graduate assistantships, fellowships, and scholarships, please review our Fellowships & Scholarships page and our Graduate Assistantships & Internships site.

Professional Development and Conference Grants

The Department of Educational Administration wants to encourage students to present papers at scholarly and professional conferences. Thus, students who have had papers accepted at conferences, or who have been nominated and selected for special Graduate Student Seminars which some of the associations hold, are eligible to apply for financial support for travel and conference related expenses.

To apply, download and complete the EAD Graduate Student Conference Support Application form.

Summer Research Awards

The HALE program and the College of Education provide multiple forms of funding during the summer months. This competitive funding is awarded to students who present compelling research proposals, and requires students present their work at the end of the summer of their award.

Summer Research FellowshipAvailable to all doctoral students, this proposal is generally due in November with awards announced in February.
Summer Renewable Research FellowshipAvailable to all doctoral students, this proposal is generally due in November with awards announced in February. These are two-year awards, which are conditional on meeting all of the goals outlined in the first summer.
Summer Research Development FellowshipAvailable to first-year doctoral students only, this proposal is generally due in February with awards announced in March.