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Teaching Opportunities

Those seeking to develop their teaching skills will want to review the various opportunities that may be appropriate for their professional development and discuss these with their advisors as they plan their programs of study. The HALE program offers a number of courses that provide preparation for teaching.

Available Courses

  • Adult Learning (EAD 861)
  • Teaching in Postsecondary Education (EAD 866)
  • Training and Professional Development (EAD 863)
  • Adult Career Development (EAD 864)
  • Program Planning and Evaluation in Postsecondary Education (EAD 877)
  • Education in the Digital Age (EAD 882)
  • Pedagogical Issues in Postsecondary Education (EAD 969)

EAD 315 Teaching Opportunity

HALE offers an undergraduate course on student leadership, which HALE graduate students are eligible to teach. Teaching EAD 315 provides an excellent opportunity to develop as an instructor by designing specific content for their section, gain insight through professional mentoring from a faculty member, and complete responsibility for teaching the section. EAD 315 is offered in face-to-face and online formats.

HALE Teaching Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning facilitates understanding of learning in adulthood and the implications of this knowledge for helping adults learn in postsecondary institutions, organizations, and in the broader society. The certificate is nine (9) credits taken of a specified set of HALE courses.

HALE Doctoral Teaching Apprentice Opportunity

In some courses, HALE faculty members offer an opportunity for a doctoral student to gain experience through an uncompensated teaching apprenticeship in an undergraduate or 800-level course. Students interested in such an opportunity should discuss their interest both with their advisor and with the faculty member with whom they would like to apprentice.

Graduate School PREP Program

The MSU Graduate School offers a comprehensive professional development program (PREP) for doctoral students across the university interested in preparing themselves for the range of professional abilities and skills. Workshops concerning teaching and instructional aspects of academic work are among the opportunities available. Visit the PREP program for more information.

Explorations in Technology Seminar Series

The MSU Office of Libraries, Technology, and Computing coordinates a regular brown bag series entitled “Explorations in Instructional Technology,” which highlights opportunities and issues relating to online teaching and learning.