Courtenay, B. C., Cervero, R. M., and Dirkx, J. M. (2011). Writing as mentoring. In T. Rocco and T. Hatcher (Eds.) The handbook of scholarly writing and publishing (pp. 293-310). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
“One of the most rewarding aspects of being a faculty member in higher education is helping doctoral students and less experienced faculty members develop their writing skills for completing a dissertation or, later, for publishing in books, refereed journals, and other scholarly venues. Even if students bring to the doctoral program relatively good writing ability, they still need assistance in understanding how to write in a scholarly style. The fulfillment of hearing someone exclaim he or she finally understands what it means to write in a scholarly fashion is the same regardless of initial ability. Sometimes the growth in writing ability is evident over the term of a single course, particularly if the faculty member has emphasized the importance of writing instructions for and grading of assignments. More often, growth in writing ability occurs over the entire doctoral program, and especially when a student has the opportunity to be mentored by a faculty member for an extended period of time.” (p. 293)