Cantwell, B. (2012). Roger King, Simon Marginson, and Rajani Naidoo (eds.): Handbook on globalization and higher education: Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, ISBN: 978-1-84844-5857 (Book Review).Higher education, 64(5), 731-733.
“The arrival of Handbook on Globalization and Higher Education is timely. There is now an expansive (and growing) body of research and scholarship on globalization and higher education that stretches back around two decades. And, as Christine Musselin notes in Chapter 26 of this book, ‘‘It is probably impossible to nowadays ?nd a policy statement on higher education that does not start with a sentence close to ‘In a globalized world…higher education plays a critical role…’’ (p. 461). Given the considerable scholastic and policy interests in the topic, is ?tting that a compendium of theory and research be assembled. To this end, Roger King, Simon Marginson, and Rajani Naidoo have edited an impressive volume with 29 chapters written by expert contributors that will be useful to both students and scholars in the ?eld” (p. 731).
For the full review, HE-Cantwell, Book Review, Nov12