Research Brief: Bridges Across the P-16 Continuum: The Role of Educational Partnerships

March 27, 2012

Eddy, P. L. & Amey, M. J. (2011). Bridges Across the P-16 Continuum: The Role of Educational Partnerships. Research Brief. Office of Community College Research and Leadership. University of Illinois: Champaign-Urbana, IL.

“The American Graduation Initiative (Obama, 2009) and the Lumina Foundation (2010) focused attention on the fact that the US is losing ground relative to other countries on the number of individuals possessing a college degree (Adelman, 2009). Research shows that a college degree results in higher individual earning potential, contributes to the local economy, and decreases crime and health costs (Baum & Ma, 2007). Higher education does not exist as an independent entity, however, as pre-collegiate preparation and student anticipation for college contribute to the collegiate experience. With educational attainment viewed as a lever for economic improvement and enhanced quality of life, state (Stedron et al., 2010) and federal (US Department of Education, 2006) policymakers continue to create programs that promote education across the P-16 pipeline. Recently, remedial education has been a focus for understanding the links between high school preparation and college readiness (Rutschow & Schneider, 2011).  One way to bridge the P-12 and college divide is through educational partnerships.” (p. 1)

For the complete brief, Eddy & Amey, Research Brief