NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education is pleased to announce the following new issue of Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.
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Current Issue: Volume 50, Issue 4 (2013)
Innovations in Research and Scholarship Features
- A Health Communication Intervention To Reduce High-Risk Drinking Among College Students
Tavis Glassman, Noela Haughton, Jennifer Wohlwend, Stephen Roberts, Timothy Jordan, Faith Yingling, and Alexis Blavos - The Influence of Reflective Opposite-Sex Norms and Importance of Opposite-Sex Approval on Adjudicated Student Drinking: Theoretical Extensions and Implications
Justin F. Hummer, Joseph W. LaBrie, Andrew Lac, and Brian Louie - Fraternity Influences on Binge Drinking and Grade Point Averages
Suzy Nelson and Cathy McHugh Engstrom - College Students’ Perspectives on Parental Notification and Parent-Student Communication on Student Alcohol Use
Merith Cosden, Justin R. Gauthier, and Jennifer B. Hughes - Professional Norms Versus Managerialism in Campus Mental Health Centers: The Experiences of Eight Clinicians
Elizabeth C. Jodoin and David F. Ayers
Media Features and Reviews
- Media Review: New Realities in the Management of Student Affairs: Emerging Specialist Roles for Changing Times
Dallin George Young - Media Review: Thriving in Transitions: A Research-Based Approach to College Student Success
Mimi Benjamin - Media Review: Studying Men and Masculinities
Anthony Rollins - Media Review: College Students’ Sense of Belonging: A Key to Educational Success for All Students
Daniel Tillapaugh - Media Review: Public Policy and Higher Education: Reframing Strategies for Preparation, Access, and College Success
Kimberly A. Truong
Apply for the JSARP Editorial Board
The Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice is currently accepting applications for the 2014-2017 Editorial Board. Applications must be received by December 15, 2013.
Click Here to Apply
Interested applicants are invited to apply and should have expertise in research, practice, or a combination of both. All applicants must complete and submit an Editorial Board Application and send a curriculum vita to Jay Larson, JSARP Editorial Assistant. The application will not be complete without a vita.
Editorial board membership will be balanced based on the following criteria:
- Areas of expertise
- Diversity
- Evidence of juried publications
- Experience (years in the field)
- Regional representation
- Terminal degree
If selected, an Editorial Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday morning at the 2014 NASPA Annual Conference.
About This Journal
The mission of Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice is to publish the most rigorous, relevant, and well-respected research that makes a difference in student affairs practice. Formerly known as NASPA Journal, Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice fosters open and critical discourse within and across disciplines from the perspective of student affairs in higher education.
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice is indexed in Educational Indexes/Abstracts, Education Research Complete, ERIC, and WorldCat.
Current Editorial Board
- Matthew R. Wawrzynski
Executive Editor - Heather Rowan-Kenyon
Associate Editor, Innovations in Research and Scholarship Features - JoNes VanHecke
Associate Editor, Innovations in Practice Features - Siu-Man Raymond Ting
Associate Editor, International Features - Bridget Kelly
Associate Editor, Media Features and Reviews - Jay B. Larson
Editorial Assistant - Ashleigh Brock
Technical Editor