Watson, J. S. & Cox-Brand, E. (2014). Looking across the research: Social and cultural capital’s interplay with marginalized student communities. In L. S. Kelsay & E. M. Zamani-Gallaher (Eds.). Working with students in community colleges: Contemporary strategies for bridging theory, research, and practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
“This timely volume addresses the urgent need for new strategies and better ways to serve community colleges’ present and future students at a time of rapid diversification, not just racially and ethnically, but including such groups as the undocumented, international students, older adult learners and veterans, all of whom come with varied levels of academic and technical skills
Divided into three parts – understanding today’s community college campuses; supporting today’s community college learners; and specialized populations and communities – this book offers a vision and solutions that should inform the work of faculty, administrators, presidents, and board members.”