Book Review for Documenting Learning with ePortfolios: A Guide for College Instructors

March 11, 2014

Fenton, S. M. (2013). Tracy Penny Light, Helen L. Chen, and John C. Ittelson. Documenting learning with ePortfolios: A guide for college instructors. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012, 16 pp. Soft cover: $40.00. ISBN: 9-780-4706-3620-6. Review of Higher Education 37 (1), 109-111.

“Documenting Learning with ePortfolios: A Guide for College Instructors explains how electronic portfolios can meet the challenges of reforming higher education toward greater institutional accountability and student engagement.

According to the text, the need to understand the usefulness of electronic, or ePortfolios comes at a critical point in time. Pressure from policymakers, communities, and parents of college-goers have led to increased scrutiny in recent years concerning the investment in U.S. higher education. Across the nation, leaders in education, accrediting bodies, and even the president of the United States call for greater accountability from institutions in ensuring quality in college education. At the same time, the largest stakeholder group—the student population itself—contributes to this pressure on institutions to rationalize absorbent student loan debt through advanced professional opportunities and personal and intellectual development” (109-110pp).

For the full book review:  37.1.fenton