Commentary: The Losing Culture of College Sports: Thoughts from a Higher Education Idealist

May 14, 2014

Shorette, C. R. (2014, May 6). The losing culture of college sports: Thoughts from a higher education idealist. Retrieved from

“After closely following the initial public reactions to the recent unionization efforts of football players at Northwestern University and further engaging in related conversations with my colleagues and friends, I was convinced that I should write a piece critiquing the football players’ approach to achieving their desired outcomes.

However, my concerns about student-athlete unionization were sufficiently addressed by the resultant National Labor Relations Board ruling and the ensuing public intellectual debate. More importantly, though, after reflecting on what I believed was the real issue at hand, the right to unionize was not what emerged as the most pressing issue—it was culture.”

Rob Shorette, fourth year HALE doctoral candidate, is a fellow of NASPA’s Research & Policy Institute (RPI).