Dr. John Dirkx traveled to Berlin, Germany to attend the 7th European Research Conference held at Humboldt-University, September 4-7, 2013. Dr. Dirkx chaired a symposium on Transformative Learning that included his presentation entitled, All roads lead through the self: The individual and the collective in transformative learning.
“The notion that some learning experiences in adulthood have profound, transformative
effects on the person or on society is arguably one of the most generative ideas in adult
learning over the last 40 years. Yet, considerable work remains to deepen our
theoretical understanding of the psychological and socio-cultural processes associated
with transformative learning. One of the most contested areas within transformative
learning theory is the relationship of the self to its broader, social context. The purpose
of this paper is to discuss transformative change and to explore this relationship from a
psychodynamic perspective. Informed by both Jungian and non-Jungian psychodynamic
thought, I will argue that personal change that is transformative learning is mediated by
emotion-laden images and experiences. Working with these images and experiences
involves an initial differentiation of the self of the person from others, and then a deeper
re-integration of the self into social and collective relationships. It is only through this
re-integration that the wholeness of the self is realized. The implications of this
perspective for curriculum and instruction will also be discussed.”
Abstract found in the book of abstract from the conference. Click here for the book.