Navigating Multiple Journey within Higher Education Leadership
Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education Alumni Panel Discussion
Monday, March 24, 2014
1:30 – 3:00pm
252 Erickson Hall
Refreshments Provided
Join three alumni of the Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education program for a conversation on leading in times of turbulence. Panelists will discuss current issues and challenges for higher education leaders, as well as their own career paths at different types of institutions. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask panelists questions about additional topics.
- Dr. Christine M. Hammond, Dean of Instruction and Student Success, North Central Michigan College
- Dr. Connie Tingson-Gatuz, Vice President for Student Affairs and Mission Integration, Madonna University
- Dr. James C. Votruba, President Emeritus and Professor of Educational Leadership, Northern Kentucky University.
Interested in talking personally with the alumni? There is a student lunch on Monday, March 24th, 12:00 – 1:00pm in 133G Erickson Hall. RSVP IS REQUIRED. Lunch is provided. Please email Sheila Coressel,, to reserve your space and provide and dietary needs. Deadline to RSVP is Friday, March 21st.
For the flyer: Alumni Panel flyer