Research Report: Great Expectations: A Longitudinal Study of New University Trustees

April 29, 2014

Zeig, M. J., Baldwin, R. G., & Wilbur, K. M. (2014). Great expectations: A longitudinal study of new university trustees, first phase report. East Lansing, MI: Center for Higher and Adult Education.

Executive Summary:

“University trustees serve an important fiduciary and strategic role for the institutions they serve. This report highlights the initial findings from a 2-year longitudinal study of the expectations and experiences of 12 newly appointed public university trustees in the State of Michigan. Based on interview and survey data, we provide findings about trustees’ expectations concerning the roles and responsibilities of a board, the issues board members will engage in, and sources of information they will rely upon to learn about their roles and make decisions during their tenure as trustees. Findings include:

  • The three areas trustees expect to be the most involved in are: (1) evaluating the chief executive, (2) budgetary and financial oversight, and (3) strategic planning.
  • The four areas trustees expect to be the least involved in are: (1) athletics, (2) university communications and media relations, (3) enrollment management, and (4) student learning outcomes.
  • Several trustees strongly indicated an interest in engaging in discussions about the competitive advantage of their institutions compared to peers.
  • Trustees indicated they would rely most upon the university president, senior-level administrators, and fellow board members for information about issues and making decisions. They expect to rely least upon news media (e.g., newspapers, tv networks), legislators and/or staff, and industry media (e.g., Chronicle, AGB) as sources of information.
  • Trustees indicated a desire for universities to create more comprehensive and continuing orientation and education processes to help them acquire the necessary information and understanding to fulfill their duties effectively” (p. 1).

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