Please join us in congratulating Dr. Riyad Shahjahan, Assistant Professor, Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education, and current HALE PhD student, Dave Nguyen on their recent co-authered publication in addition to Dr. Shahjahan’s other publications.
Wagner, A. & Shahjahan, R.A. (2014). Centering embodied learning in anti-oppressive pedagogy. Teaching in Higher Education, DOI:10.1080/13562517.2014.993963
Shahjahan, R.A., Morgan, C. & Nguyen, D. (2014). “Will I learn what I want to learn?”: Usable representations, ‘students,’ and OECD assessment production. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, DOI: 10.1080/01596306.2014.986715+
Shahjahan, R.A. & Madden, M. (2014) Uncovering the images and meanings of international organizations (IOs) in higher education research. Higher Education, DOI: 10.1007/s10734-014-9801-6