Recent Faculty and Student Publications

February 3, 2015

Several HALE faculty and student articles have been accepted for publication. Please join us in congratulating our current HALE faculty and students!

Vicki Baker & Roger Baldwin (faculty). A Case Study of Liberal Arts Colleges in the 21st Century: Understanding Organizational Change and Evolution in Higher Education. Innovative Higher Education

Claire Gonyo (student) & Brendan Cantwell (faculty). Faculty Perceptions of Students in Life and Physical Science Research Labs.. Innovative Higher Education

David Nguyen (student) & Jay Larson (student). Don’t Forget About the Body: Exploring the Curricular Possibilities of Embodied Pedagogy. Innovative Higher Education

Kristen Renn (faculty) & Tonisha Lane (student).
Fostering Success of Ethnic and Racial Minorities in STEM: The Role of Minority Serving Institutions ed. by Robert T. Palmer, Dina C. Maramba, and Marybeth Gasman (review)
Journal of College Student Development