This two-hour workshop is open to all students gratis. For those who continue, it also is the first session of the semester-long, 1-3 credit seminar “International Social Science Research (ISSR) Abroad (focus Africa, ME, Asia, Eurasia, and Latin Am): Concept, Design, and Praxis” (below).
Open to all MSU graduate students – US and foreign –planning to write proposals for funding dissertation or pre-dissertation research abroad for deadlines in 2016-2018 – especially the IIE Fulbright, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Abroad, NSF, Ford Minority Fellowships, and others.
Free at the workshop:
? Funding Catalog for Graduate Student International Research
? Handout: “Secrets of Writing Winning Proposals”
? Advice from MSU graduate students who have won awards
? Writing proposals for 2016-17 deadlines for national & local grants ? Developing proposals for the dissertation or pre-dissertation grants
ISSR SEMINAR (International Social Science Research)
Fall Semester 2016 – 1-3 credits – Thursdays, 6:00 – 8:30 pm – 201 International Center, beginning Sep 8