Call for Graduate Student Research Grant Submissions: The Research Committee of NAGAP

October 22, 2018
The Research Committee of NAGAP is proud to announce a call for proposals for the annual NAGAP Graduate Student Research Grant. Up to two awards and two honorable mentions will be selected for 2019.  Applications are due December 12, 2018.

This grant is designed to encourage emerging knowledge and understanding of the complexities of Graduate Enrollment Management (GEM), including all aspects of admissions and recruitment, enrollment, retention and student affairs, as well as graduation and alumni engagement. It is open to all graduate students currently conducting research that align with the themes of GEM in graduate, professional, masters and doctoral programs.

The research grant award includes:
  • An award of $2,500, payable directly to the individual researcher (NAGAP will not pay institutional overhead or indirect costs)
  • One year of NAGAP membership with full privileges
  • Travel and registration to present at the NAGAP national conference in 2020
  • Recognition at the 2019 NAGAP national conference
The honorable mention award includes:
  • An award of $1,000, payable directly to the individual researcher (NAGAP will not pay institutional overhead or indirect costs)
  • One year of NAGAP membership with full privileges
  • Complimentary registration to attend the NAGAP national conference in 2020
  • Recognition at the 2019 NAGAP national conference
How to apply:
Proposal instructions may be found on the 
NAGAP Website. Please contact Paula Baker with any questions.

Lastly, please forward this opportunity to any student eligible under the guidelines. Thank you for working with NAGAP to continue to be leaders in understanding and supporting the Graduate Enrollment Management profession.

All applications must be submitted by 
Wednesday, December 12, 2018.