The Black Doctoral Network Conference Committee is inviting abstract submissions for the 2019 conference themed “Fostering Change through Scholarship”. This year’s conference addresses the role of change, i. e., social justice and/or activism through scholarship. “Fostering Change through Scholarship” encourages attendees to consider how we can create change across social domains (individual, family, peers, school and neighborhood/community levels) in society via scholarship and to assess the variations of academic knowledge. The theme of the annual meeting asks: How does our work in public and private spaces impact scholarship and the lives of vulnerable populations? How are scholars of color flourishing in marginal spaces and fostering the flourishing of others through activism scholarship? We invite broad engagement between activists, scholar-practitioners and academics that address the conference theme. Papers that will reflect on this theme are especially encouraged, but we accept submissions on any topic. The Conference will be an interdisciplinary event that brings together academics and professionals from the social sciences, STEM, and humanities to address how we can positively impact and inform each other’s work and engage with our communities. Submission of abstracts from graduate and doctoral students, recent Ph.D. graduates and academic professionals across disciplines are welcome.
Submission Deadline: March 17, 2019 at 11:59PM EST.
To submit an abstract visit:
We accept abstracts from (1) individuals who wish to present on a panel and from (2) groups who want to create their own panel. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words typed, double spaced, using a 12pt font. Submissions should be anonymous – please do not include your name or the name of your institution on the document. Include the title of your abstract and note whether it is an individual or a group submission. All group submissions require at least three presenters.
Submitting author will receive a confirmation message upon submitting the abstract. Acceptance announcements will be sent via email in late April to the submitting author. Accepted presenters and copresenters must register for the conference and confirm their acceptance by June 7, 2019. Failure to register and confirm acceptance by June 7th will result in rescinding acceptance.
We accept abstract submissions from any discipline or topic, including:
• African / Latino Diaspora
• Art, Performance and Music
• Business, Entrepreneurship,
and Consumerism
• Community Planning and
Development Projects
• Discrimination
• Diseases, Vaccines, and
• Gender and Cultural
• Health, Economic, Social
• Mentorship
• Poverty
• Science, Technology,
Engineering, Mathematics
• Service Learning and Civic
• Structural Inequalities
• Urban and Higher Education
• Youth and Family Dynamics
• Youth Programming
Your presentation should describe the purpose, methods and conclusions of your research. You may not submit or take part in more than one panel presentation; presenters may give one and only one paper at the conference. Individual presenters will be assigned to a panel and will have 15 minutes to deliver their presentations. Group presentations will be given 45-60 minutes to deliver their presentations.
In addition to interdisciplinary panel presentations, this conference will have interactive roundtables. Professors and corporate professionals from various fields will converse and give insight on the need for interconnectedness throughout the academy and community. Workshops on handling job talks, grant writing and proposals, balancing relationships, and stress and time management will also be addressed.
For questions regarding the Call for Papers please contact:
Deandra Taylor