Call for Papers: Graduate Student Paper Competition, JSRI 30th Anniversary Celebration Conference

April 8, 2019

JSRI 30th Anniversary Celebration Conference
“Latina/os and the Renewal of U.S. Democracy”

October 31 – November 2, 2019
Marriott East Lansing, MI

The Julian Samora Research Institute (JSRI) ( at Michigan State University is holding a Graduate Student Paper Competition as part of its 30th Anniversary Conference Celebration on Oct 31 – Nov 2, 2019. The winner of the competition will receive an award of $2,000 and will be expected to present it at the conference. Submissions are solicited on a
broad range of topics focusing on Latina/o communities in the Midwest.

Submissions must be original student papers reporting formal research results, theoretical developments or analyses, case studies, innovative practical applications, evaluations of interventions, policies or programs, and analyses of emergent issues and trends which contribute to our understanding of Latina/o communities in the U.S. Preference will be given to authors addressing the conference theme of “Latina/os and the Renewal of U.S. Democracy” or that fall within one of the following categories: health disparities, business ownership and entrepreneurship, and service delivery gaps, but all Latina/o topics are welcome.

Authors must submit a completed manuscript with a cover letter that points out the significance of the work, title page that includes the title, author’s name and affiliation, E-mail address, and phone number(s), and an abstract. The manuscript must be on 8.5” x 11” (letter) pages (with one inch margins), 12 point Times New Roman font, and double-spaced; each page, other than the title page, should be numbered. The work must conform to an acceptable writing and documentation style (Chicago, APA, MLA, etc.). A panel of faculty judges will review each submission for content, clarity, elegance, organization, overall quality and format. Charts, tables, diagrams, and other graphics that support the work are acceptable, but must conform to the writing and documentation style used.

The winning student author will receive a $2,000 award and will be expected to present the work at the conference in East Lansing, Michigan on October 31 – November 2, 2019. The award winner must attend the JSRI conference and be present to receive their award. Students who wish to present at the conference should also consider submitting an abstract through the general Call for Papers.

Submission Deadline: August 2, 2019

All submissions must be made electronically and in a Word file. Please submit papers to For questions call (517) 432-1317. Additional information regarding the JSRI 30th Anniversary Conference and related events are available at