The Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (JCIHE) is the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society’s (CIES)Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG). JCIHE promotes scholarship opportunities, critical dialogue, and provides a link to engage professionals and academics to the international aspects of higher education. JCIHE includes a combination of peer reviewed journal articles, opinion pieces, country focus updates and regional updates. JCIHE welcomes a range of contexts, perspectives, methodologies, and intersections of disciplines.
JCIHE invites submission of new research that advances discussions of current issues on comparative and international higher education.
1) Please consider submitting an article on a recent conferenct presentation
2) If you have new research to share, please consider submitting an article of 3,500 – 5,500 words.
3) Submit a comparative report analysis of 750 – 1,500 words that examines primary themes and focus of more than one book, current report, or other documentation that guides higher education institutional policies.
All articles will undergo a blind-review peer-editing process. Articles are accepted on an on-going basis.
Please send your manuscripts in Word document. Please submit articles to