Call for Proposals: 16th Annual Student Life Research Symposium

March 11, 2019

The 2019 Student Life Research Symposium Planning Committee is excited to announce that we are now accepting presentation proposals for this year’s 16th Annual Student Life Research Symposium. The Symposium will be held at the Michigan League on the U-M Ann Arbor campus from approximately 8 am until 3 pm on May 15, 2019 (save-the-date is attached). 

This year’s Symposium theme is Finding Meaning through Inquiry: Using Data to Enhance the Student Experience. This is an excellent opportunity for researchers and practitioners to gather for a day of learning, networking, and conversations around inquiry into the student experience. 

We are looking for presentation proposals on a wide variety of topics. Sessions will be approximately 45 minutes in length. You are welcome to submit multiple proposals on different topics. All proposals should be relevant to the symposium theme. You may access the online presentation proposal form via this link:

A hard copy of the proposal form is also attached to this email for your reference as you develop your proposal. However, only completed proposals submitted through this link will be considered for inclusion in the Symposium.  

Proposals are due by 5 pm on Sunday, March 24th, 2019. We will be reviewing proposals the week of March 25th and all applicants will be notified of their proposal’s status by April 5th. 

We look forward to reading many outstanding proposals. Please feel free to forward this message on to colleagues and graduate students who might also be interested in this opportunity.

Please feel free to contact Sara Bliss ( or 734-647-9074) with any questions or concerns.