Call for Proposals: Building Bridges and Mobilizing Research Pre-Conference

November 18, 2019

Building Bridges and Mobilizing Research
17th Annual Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC)

Saturday, May 30, 2020
Western University, London, ON
Co-sponsored by Language and Literacy: A Canadian e-journal

Conference Chairs: Dr. Cassie J. Brownell, OISE-University of Toronto
Dr. Robert Jean LeBlanc, University of Lethbridge

Plenary Speakers: Dr. Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández, OISE-University of Toronto; Dr. Jon M. Wargo, Boston College

The 2020 LLRC pre-conference theme calls upon literacy researchers to think across: across disciplines, across communities, across venues, and across traditional barriers and boundaries. Informed and inspired by Stornaiuolo, Smith, and Phillips’ (2017, p. 68) transliteracies framework and its attention to “how meaning making and power are intertwined in and distributed across social and material relationships,” we come together this year as researchers, students, community members, activists, and teachers to think critically about how we might effectively mobilize our research beyond traditional venues and expand the reach of a range of voices through a range of media.

In keeping with the theme for Congress 2020, Bridging Divides: Confronting Colonialism and Anti-Black Racism, this year’s LLRC pre-conference seeks particularly to think through critical issues in mobilizing research, with attention to issues of power, race, coloniality, difference, space, voice, and mobility. Thinking pragmatically, we are also seeking to expand understandings about where work in language and literacies may be published and to demonstrate that there is space for this rich scholarship in the broader field of education. Thinking across with respect to literacy research leads us to explore questions such as: What happens to our research when it moves across venues? Where might bridges be built between literacy communities? What are the limitations of the traditional publishing paradigm in academia and how might we move beyond them? Where do Canadian literacy scholars mobilize their literacy research, and how might we broaden that base? And, what are the affordances of a range of media for sharing and reworking vibrant literacy research?

Stornaiuolo, A., Smith, A., & Phillips, N. C. (2017). Developing a transliteracies framework for a connected world. Journal of Literacy Research, 49(1), 68-91.

Pre-Conference Format

The pre-conference begins with our plenary speakers, Dr. Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández, (OISE-University of Toronto and editor of Curriculum Inquiry) and Dr. Jon M. Wargo (Boston College). These will be followed by our annual Exquisite Conversations, small break-out groups of round-table presentations and discussion. Presenters for the Exquisite Conversations are grouped by common themes and areas of research. This year, we continue the tradition as we explore mobilizing language and literacies research and practices. To enable this process, papers (including working or in-progress) will be circulated to the presenters and registered participants two weeks before the pre-conference so that participants may engage in discussion and provide constructive feedback.

The pre-conference offers delegates opportunities to explore diverse perspectives from research, teaching, and activism; to engage in discussions across the research areas in our work—including reading, writing, multiliteracies and multimodalities, arts-based practices, indigenous perspectives on land and literacy, children’s literature, literacy and literacies studies, communications and digital media. We invite work from the perspectives of emerging and established research methodologies. The LLRC pre-conference is a community in which scholars can contribute to each other’s work through attentive discussion and critical exchange of research.

For more information about the LLRC, please visit:

Inquiries can be directed to Pre-Conference Chairs, Dr. Cassie J. Brownell
( and Dr. Robert Jean LeBlanc (

LLRC Pre-Conference Proposal Submission Guidelines

  1. Please include a cover page with your contact information as well as the names and affiliations of any additional authors. Please indicate whether you would be willing to present in English and/or French.
  2. Please prepare a 150-word abstract and a research summary (max. 750 words). The research summary should include the following information:
    ? Rationale
    ? Theoretical Perspectives / Framework
    ? Research design/ Methodology
    ? Findings
    ? Conclusions
    ? Three questions from your research that you would like to discuss in your group
  3. To facilitate the blind review process the abstract and research summary should not name any authors. The cover page is provided in order to provide your contact information as well as the names and affiliations of any additional authors.
  4. Please email complete proposals (including cover page, abstract, and research summary) to DO NOT submit proposals to CSSE directly.
  5. Deadline for Submission: February 1, 2020

    Please check the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada website for additional information about the Pre-conference:érence Pre-conference registration (includes lunch):
    ? Faculty/Instructors: $60.00 (CAD)
    ? Students: $40.00 (CAD) Online Registration: The online registration system will be set up in February of 2020. At that time,a link for registration will be emailed to all members. The link will also be posted on the LLRC website at:érences