Call for Proposals: International Colloquium on Black Males in Education

August 5, 2019

You are invited to participate in the 8th Annual International Colloquium on Black Males in Education November 6-8, 2019, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Pre-Colloquium events such as the Black Female Forum take place November 5. The Colloquium provides a forum for top researchers,
high-impact practitioners, policymakers, funders, and students from around the globe to share their knowledge and perspectives, as well as to learn from global research strategies that inform education policies and programs. Attendees will be exposed to a broad array of problems and share international perspectives on improving local realities for Black males in education.

Deadline for Proposals: Wednesday, August 14

The theme for this year’s Colloquium is “Disrupting Educational Disparities, Segregation, and Mass Incarceration: Hidden Battle Grounds for Black Males.” The Colloquium serves as a space to share perspectives and exchange ideas concerning the global dynamics of Black males in the educational pipeline. The Colloquium also offers a diverse array of programs that are structured to elicit intellectual thought, discourse, and ideas that can be utilized to serve and improve the experiences of Black males throughout the world.

Colloquium participants are encouraged to discuss the wide range of issues which arise across the educational pipeline, from pre-kindergarten through university. Participants also share ideas and innovative practices across disciplinary fields that consider how forces such as globalization and the internationalization of education shape the experiences of Black males.

Invited researchers and practitioners are strongly encouraged to secure resources to support the travel and participation of two to three undergraduate or graduate students who would benefit from attending the Colloquium. Registration provides admittance to the three days of the Colloquium which includes lunch daily, Graduate School Academy, College Academy, Opening Reception, Cultural Immersion Experience, and Awards Banquet Dinner. Early registration is available for $399 prior to Wednesday, September 4, at which time the standard registration rate of $449 will be applicable. Beginning on Wednesday, September 18, the late registration rate of $549 will be in effect. Note: If you do not stay at the Colloquium Headquarters Hotel under the Colloquium group rate, on Wednesday, November 20, there will be a Non-Conference Hotel Fee of $150 automatically charged to the same credit card used to pay for registration. Additionally, the Colloquium registration fee does not include attendance to the Black Female Forum. For further registration information, see the Colloquium Website.

Request for Proposals
The central purpose of the Colloquium is to provide a forum where individuals can come together and analyze the experiences of Black males throughout the educational pipeline from a global perspective. Researchers, policymakers, practitioners, gender scholars, community workers, counselors, psychologists, students, and other advocates of Black males are invited to submit proposals. Proposals for manuscripts, roundtables, or posters (students only) are accepted and should shed light on how education, at all levels of the pipeline, can address current demands of global education, employment, and economic markets for Black males. Proposals that pinpoint issues from myriad perspectives and inform local solutions are encouraged.

For more information, visit