Call for Proposals: NAFSA Association of International Educators Research Symposium

August 5, 2019

NAFSA is pleased to announce the call for proposals for the seventh Research Symposium to be held on Friday, November 22, 2019, during International Education Week, in Washington, DC.

The Research Symposium serves the research community in the field of international education and related disciplines by providing researchers and scholars the opportunity to share their work in an academic and professional environment and participate in a critical discussion of the theories, methodologies, and practices being used in their research. The Research Symposium is thereby considered relevant to international education researchers at every stage of their career – graduate students, post-docs, faculty members, and practitioners.

Submit a Proposal
Proposals for the Research Symposium should present original, unpublished research in international education and may focus on a wide range of topics related to:
? Peace and civil society discussions through international education programs
? Diversity and inclusion with scholarly collaborations within and across disciplines
? International education’s role in addressing international security and policy concerns
? Collaborations across borders for global learning both at home and abroad
? Outcomes of international education from curricular and cocurricular experiences
? Language education for intercultural learning and cross-cultural communication
? Global learning and its outcomes for students and faculty members
? Other topics of interest in international education (i.e., education abroad; international education leadership; international enrollment management; international student and scholar services; and teaching, learning, and scholarship in international education)

The Research Symposium is a venue for peer review, sharing ideas and information related to research and scholarship in international education. Abstracts will be evaluated according to the originality, clarity, and depth of knowledge demonstrated by the research (see Evaluation Rubric). Accepted abstracts will be grouped into panels by the Research Symposium Committee.

Please submit your 1-page proposal via the online form at

Important Dates:
Deadline for submissions is September 2, 2019.
Presenters will be notified no later than October 1, 2019.

Examples of accepted abstracts from previous NAFSA Research Symposium events are available via the NAFSA Research Connections community library. This online community is freely accessible for both NAFSA members and non-members, but does require users to create a NAFSA passport to login.

NOTE: NAFSA will produce an e-publication from a selection of papers presented at Research Symposium events.

For more information, please visit