Calls for Proposals: AERA Dissertation and Research Grants

August 19, 2019

The AERA Grants Program is currently accepting proposals for both its Dissertation and Research Grants. With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the AERA Grants Program provides dissertation grants to graduate students and small research grants to doctoral level scholars using large-scale data sets in their research.

The AERA Grants Program emphasizes the advanced statistical analysis of data sets from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, NSF, and other federal agencies. The program also supports studies using large-scale international data systems (e.g., PISA, PIRLS, or TIMMS) that benefit from U.S. federal government support. In addition, statewide longitudinal administrative data systems enhanced through federal grants are also eligible for consideration. Proposals are encouraged from a variety of disciplines, such as, but not limited to, education, sociology, economics, psychology, demography, statistics, and psychometrics.

AERA Dissertation Grants. AERA provides dissertation support for advanced doctoral students to undertake doctoral dissertations using data from large-scale data sets. The award provides professional development, training, and networking opportunities for students. The selection process is competitive. AERA Dissertation Grants are awarded for one-year for an amount of up to $25,000.

AERA Research Grants. AERA provides small grants for faculty members, postdoctoral researchers, and other doctoral-level scholars to undertake quantitative research using data from large-scale data sets. The selection process is competitive. AERA Research Grants are awarded for one or two years, for an amount of up to $35,000.

The next proposal deadline is Wednesday, September, 25, 2019. Please do not hesitate to contact or phone (202-238-3200) if you have any questions.