Seeking Submissions: 64th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)

September 23, 2019
We are pleased to invite you to submit a proposal for CIES 2020 Miami, the 64th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). The event will take place in Miami, Florida, from March 22-26, 2020. The theme of the conference is “Education Beyond the Human.” Explore for more information about the conference, including the full Call for Contributions.

As a reminder, the All Academic proposal submission system will remain open until midnight (11:59PM EDT) on Wednesday, September 25, 2019.   Please note that we are accepting proposals in English or  Spanish, as well as for virtual conference presentations.  The following kinds of proposals will need to be submitted for peer review via the  online submission system: Refereed Round-Table Presentation (Individual Submission)Refereed Round-Table Session (Group Submission)Poster Presentation (Individual Submission)Formal Paper Presentation (Individual Submission)Formal Panel Session (Group Submission)New Scholars Dissertation Mentoring WorkshopNew Scholars Publication Mentoring Workshop
Six other kinds of contributions should be emailed directly to the CIES 2020 
Program Committee (, which will make decisions based on quality and available space. These kinds of proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis with a final deadline of midnight (11:59PM EDT) on Wednesday, September 25, 2019. Book Launch Pre-conference WorkshopPerformance Art Session —  new for CIES 2020! Visual Art Installation — new for CIES 2020!  Fishbowl Session — new for CIES 2020! Off-Site Visit — new for CIES 2020!