Call for Proposals: ASHE Council on International Higher Education (CIHE) Pre-Conference

April 13, 2020

The ASHE 2020 theme of Advancing Full Participation invites us to think about the role of colleges and universities in dismantling barriers that divide our world. As the premier academic space for the exchange of ideas on International Higher Education, the CIHE Pre-Conference Forum celebrates the many contributions of an increasingly internationally-mobile and globally-connected academic workforce and student body.

Proposals for the 2020 ASHE CIHE Pre-Conference should incorporate a comparative dimension in their methods or theoretical frameworks, or explore practices and structures that have international implications.
Proposal formats accepted: Research Paper, Scholarly Paper, Interactive Symposium, Self-Designed Paper Session, Roundtable

For more information, check out page 23 of the ASHE 2020 Call for Proposals.