Education Research Service Projects Program
Special Call for Proposals
Deadline: August, 31, 2020
The American Educational Research Association is currently accepting proposals for a special cycle of Education Research Service Projects (ERSP) initiative grants to address the dual pandemics facing education and learning in formal and informal contexts: COVID-19 and systemic racism. AERA’s Education Research Service Projects initiative encourages education researchers to offer their pro bono expertise to educational organizations, institutions, or other community groups that have identified and expressed a need for such assistance. The ERSP initiative provides small grants ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 to defray direct costs involved in these projects.
Special Call for Projects Focusing on the
COVID-19 and Systemic Racism Pandemics
The COVID-19 pandemic has shuttered the physical places where education formally takes place in the United States and across the globe, from childcare through graduate education. The broad impact of school closures on student well-being and academic outcomes as well as uncertainties about what education will look like in the months ahead are introducing new challenges and raising new questions for educators, institutions, and families related to the safe, effective and equitable provision of education at all levels. Simultaneously, educators and students are also facing the persistent reality of systemic racism in the United States. The recent murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis and the public outcry highlighting longstanding inequities in our education system have prompted many schools and other organizations to look more closely at the manifestations and implications of systemic racism. In the current context, there are increasing opportunities for education researchers to leverage their expertise in ways that are relevant to addressing these pandemics at the local level and serve the public good.
As part of AERA’s efforts to respond to the impact of these dual pandemics, a special call for Education Research Service Projects invites proposals that address through research service: COVID-19, systemic racism, or the intersection of the two. Education researchers are encouraged to submit proposals to offer their expertise, on a pro-bono basis, to address issues and questions related to these pandemics that educational entities or settings (e.g., childcare supports or services, schools, school systems, colleges and universities, community organizations) are currently facing.
The special call builds upon the Education Research Service Project Initiative’s broad aim to engender a culture of service that is responsive to significant needs at the local level and to support education researchers in using their skills and expertise to serve the public good.
The proposal deadline is Monday, August 31, 2020. For more information, please see the Special Call and Guidelines. If you have questions about the special call or the ERSP program, email