See the submission guidelines below.
Manuscripts are due February 14, 2020.
Submission Guidelines
Reviews & Practice Articles: 4,000 words maximum (inclusive of references, cover page, tables, and all materials).
Research Papers: 7,000 words maximum (inclusive of references, cover page, tables, and all materials)
Exceptions, cautiously granted, to this requirement must be discussed with the Editor in advance of manuscript submission.
Format: American Psychological Association (2010) (6th Edition)
Spacing and Fonts: Double-spaced, including references, block quotes, tables, and figures, consistently applied throughout the manuscript. Standard 12 point font throughout.
Abstract: 75 or fewer words.
Figures: All figures must be submitted as a PDF document or EPS or uncompressed Tiff (600 dpi) file in black and white or grey tones.
Language: English or with translations to English included. Writing free of prejudiced, biased, or disrespectful language.
Voice: Active voice to the greatest extent possible. Research findings reported in past tense.
Professional preparation: Manuscripts exceeding the length limits or requiring additional proofreading, formatting, and/or reference checks will be returned to the author(s) for further editing.
Questions about the submission and review process can be directed to the Editor by e-mailing
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