2022 International Transformative Learning Conference

September 5, 2021


On behalf of my co-chair, Dr. Frank Conner, and the planning committee for the 2022 International Transformative Learning Conference to be held at Michigan State University  April 6 – 9, 2022. We hope you all are staying safe in these turbulent times.  

I am also pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 2022 International Transformative Learning conference. The Call, including submission guidelines, may be accessed through the Association’s website at https://itlc2022.intertla.org/.  Proposals will be due Oct 1, 2022. 

If you have questions about this conference, don’t hesitate to write Professor Dirkx at itlc2022@intertla.org.

We would appreciate any assistance you may be able to provide in disseminating information regarding the Call for Papers and the conference in April. Please provide your colleagues and students the Association’s web address and its email address. Again, these are:  

International Transformative Learning Association


Conference/Association email for correspondence


Also, if you are interested in serving as a reviewer of proposals for the conference, please provide your information using the following link:
