AERA is pleased to offer four virtual professional development courses immediately following the 2021 Annual Meeting, April 13-16. Led by an expert faculty of researchers and scholars, these four-hour courses are designed at various levels to reach graduate students, early career scholars, and other researchers who seek to increase their knowledge and enhance research skills.To maximize access to these courses for education researchers during these challenging times, AERA is charging $35 for each course for Annual Meeting registrants who are AERA members and $55 for Annual Meeting registrants who are non-members. The fee per course for non-meeting attendees is $55.
PDC-01: Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research Methods Principles Through Popular Film Clips PDC-02: Advanced Meta-AnalysisTuesday, April 13, 2021
Instructor: Johnny Saldana, Arizona State University
This course provides students and instructors of qualitative research courses pedagogical strategies for using popular film clips to teach and learn selected principles and methods of inquiry.
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PDC-02: Advanced Meta-AnalysisWednesday, April 14, 2021
Terri Pigott, Georgia State University
Ryan Williams, American Institutes for Research
Tasha Beretvas, University of Texas at Austin
Wim Van Den Noortgate, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
This course will introduce advanced methods in meta-analysis. Topics covered include the computation of effect sizes from complex research designs, models for handling multiple effect sizes per study (dependent effect sizes) and exploring heterogeneity, power analysis in meta-analysis, the use of meta-analysis structural equation modeling (MASEM), and an introduction to single-case experimental design meta-analysis. The statistical package R will be used to conduct the statistical techniques discussed. View course description
PDC-03: Multilevel Modeling with International Large-Scale Assessment Databases Using the HLM Software ProgramThursday, April 15, 2021
Instructors: Amy Rathbun, American Institutes for Research
Francis Howard L. Huang, University of Missouri
Sakiko Ikoma, American Institutes for Research
Sabine Meinck, Evaluation of Education Achievement
Bitnara Jasmine Park, American Institutes for Research
Yuan Zhang, American Institutes for Research
This course will teach participants how to conduct multilevel modeling (MLM) with data from international large-scale assessments (ILSAs) such as TIMSS, PIRLS, and PISA. The content of the course will include an overview of the ILSAs and presentations on the design of these studies and implications for MLM analysis. View course description
PDC-04: Advancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Data Collection and Analysis with Visual DisplaysFriday, April 16, 2021 Instructor: Elizabeth Creamer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The use of visual displays that include both qualitative and quantitative data is widely accepted in mixed methods research. Led by the author of the textbook, An Introduction to Fully Integrated Mixed Methods Research, this interactive course is designed to explore uses of visual displays in qualitative and mixed methods research.
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Registration for 2021 Annual Meeting Attendees: Professional development courses can be added to new or existing Annual Meeting registrations in the My AERA section of the AERA website. AERA is charging a modest fee of $35 for each course for Annual Meeting registrants who are AERA members and $55 for Annual Meeting registrants who are non-members.
Registration for Non-Annual Meeting Attendees: Non-Annual Meeting attendees can register for one or more professional development courses on the AERA website. Click the button below to learn how to register. The fee for each course for non-meeting attendees is $55.