Part One
Troubling the Waters: Alternative College Student Development Frameworks for Diverse Student Populations
When: Thursday, September 23
2pm ET / 11am PT
Registration is required for this free event.
As institutions of higher education across the country grapple with how to best meet the needs of their primary consumers, college students, it becomes increasingly important to have at their disposal an array of frameworks that provide them with conceptual and theoretical models that not only assist them with understanding where the students are, but also who they are along their respective learning, growth, and development trajectories.
While extant college student development theory has tended to provide a holistic view of what the literature has referred to as traditional postsecondary cohorts—elite, White, and male. Yet, the treatment of the developmental processes for diverse student populations has been at best tepid, and at worst nonexistent.
This webinar and its focus on the newly released book Square Pegs and Round Holes: Alternative Approaches to College Student Development Theory will foreground critical new approaches to student development theory for diverse college students. This first session will highlight alternative theories for African American, Asian American, and LatinX college student populations.
Past President of the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) and current President and Co-Founder of the Social Justice Training Institute, Rev. Jamie Washington will set the stage for the webinar and volume editors Fred Bonner, Rosie Banda, Stella Smith, and Aretha Marbley will provide perspective on the volume’s conception and development.
Scholar-theorists comprising the panel include: Mary Howard Hamilton, Samuel Museus, Nicholas Hartlep, and Zarrina Azizova.
Part TwoCollege Student Development Theory:
Transgressive Frameworks and Models for Diverse Populations
When: Thursday, September 30
2pm ET / 11am PT
Registration is required for this free event.
According to Perez-Izaguirre (2019), “Acts of transgression are located at the border of a norm bounded by limits, marked by what is appropriate”. College student development theory has evolved over time to include essential contributions from intellectuals, scholars, and theorists representing myriad disciplines and fields both within and outside of the social sciences. While rooted in the pioneering work of Kurt Lewin (1936) and his Interactionist Theory – behavior is a function of the person times the environment, considered the cornerstone framework of the college student development theory movement, the field has drawn perspectives from fields including anthropology, education, sociology, and psychology.
This second session will highlight alternative theories for LGBTQIA, Multiracial, Indigenous/Native American, and Nontraditional college student populations. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Vice President for Research and Policy Amelia Parnell will set the stage for the webinar and volume editors Fred Bonner, Rosie Banda, Stella Smith, and aretha marbley will provide perspective on the volume’s conception and development.
Scholar-theorist comprising the panel include: Kristen Renn, Terrell Strayhorn, Amanda Tachine, Patricia Literte, and Derrick Robinson.