NASPA 2021 Graduate Student Case-Study Competition

August 30, 2021

The NASPA IV-E Regional Conference, Rise Up: Tapping into Our Reservoir of Courage, will be held November 7th– November 9th, 2021 in Minneapolis, MN. In an effort to minimize the financial burden and ensure that members can attend the conference in person, the NASPA Member & Student Member rate is only $100.

The 2021 Graduate Student Case-Study Competition is on Sunday, November 7th from 9AM-5PM (presentations will be at 4PM). Students can participate in this FREE event on-site at the conference or virtually via Zoom. (Note: Students do not have to register for the conference in order to participate in the case-study competition.) Graduate students may register as an individual participant and be paired at the orientation meeting or create their own team (max 4). The case-study competition is a great way for students to apply knowledge, demonstrate skill, and grow professionally. Each student from the winning team will receive a paid conference registration to the 2022 NASPA IV-W/E Regional Conference in Chicago, Illinois!

Students can sign-up for the case-study competition here:

If you or your students have any questions, feel free to email the Pre-Conference/Case-Study Co-Chairs:

Andrea Greer ( 2021 IV-E Pre-Conference Co-Chair

Lola Banks ( 2021 IV-E Pre-Conference Co-Chair