MSU Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD) has a long history of leading in our field of Maximizing Ability and Opportunity. As our populations grow and staffing shifts in this time of change, we have need for staffing at several levels and welcome your help and referrals. Our website at displays the breadth and depth of our program.
- Graduate students or newly degreed undergraduates who desire a supervised starter experience in our program could help us with accommodation planning, coordination of services, and general problem solving to advance opportunity in a range of disability focus areas. We welcome special educators, counselors, and student affairs professionals. Beginning nearly immediately, we will welcome students with a strong interest in experience here. They can write to me directly at providing a quick summary of their degree and interests. This will help me with case management while full-time searches are underway.
- For those who recently graduated, retired some time back or otherwise desire a transitional experience here, we have potential for temporary employment for up to 40 hours a week and up to nine months of service. I welcome messages of interest from these folks as well.
- Full time Careers: We have an active opening for multiple Ability Access Specialists with focus on advancing opportunity for those with a range of disabilities in the areas of learning disabilities, mental health, attention deficit, and other DSM-type disabilities. That posting is visible at:
Michigan State University – Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities