Temporary Position Available: Office for Civil Rights and Title IX, MSU

April 4, 2022

Dr. Tom Fritz of the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX (OCR) at Michigan state is looking for a temporary employee to help with supportive measures for OCR. This position reports directly to Dr. Fritz and will be meeting with parties impacted by relationship violence and sexual misconduct and anti-discrimination policies and then collaborating with offices on campus to implement supports to mitigate their impacts. The measures may be academic extensions, course drops, housing changes, referrals to services, or other measures designed to restore access to educational opportunities. The person would need to have the ability to meet with impacted parties, determine their needs, and then work with me to determine best way to implement. Strong administration skills are a must.

The position would pay $25 an hour for approximately 20 hours a week with the possibility of more if desired. Work can be done remote, but most hours will need to be done during a standard 9-5 workday. Dr. Fritz shares that a graduating SAA student would have the right skill set, but as OCR is looking for someone to fill the temporary role as soon as possible, it may not be an option for a student to take on the half-time work in place of a graduate assistantship. That said, Dr. Fritz is happy to discuss that with any interested graduating student. You may contact Dr. Fritz at ocr.tomfritz@msu.edu with any interest/questions.