Shahjahan, R. A. (2014). Being “lazy” and slowing down: Toward decolonizing time, our body, and pedagogy. Educational Philosophy and Theory. doi: 10.1080/00131857.2014.880645.
“In recent years, scholars have critiqued norms of neoliberal higher education (HE) by calling for embodied and anti-oppressive teaching and learning. Implicit in these accounts, but lacking elaboration, is a concern with reformulating the notion of ‘time’ and temporalities of academic life. Employing a coloniality perspective, this article argues that in order to reconnect our minds to our bodies and center embodied pedagogy in the classroom, we should disrupt Eurocentric notions of time that colonize our academic lives. I show how this entails slowing down and ‘being lazy’” (p. 1).
For the complete article: or Shahjahan, EPTFeb14