I am reaching out regarding an exciting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiative spearheaded by two current graduate students. MSU currently does not have a DEI Graduate Certificate. However, efforts are being made to create a DEI Graduate Certificate program, and we need your input!
To better understand students’ experiences, expectations, and desired training opportunities in DEI, we have created a needs assessment survey. We are seeking as many current student voices as possible to assist with the program development of the DEI certificate. Please take 10 minutes to complete the following needs assessment survey at: DEI Student Needs Assessment
If you are interested to learn more about progress toward the creation of the DEI Graduate Certificate, please contact Melissa Yzaguirre or Gia Casaburo at: yzaguirr@msu.edu and casabur1@msu.edu. We will begin a pilot cohort in fall 2021. If you know graduate students who would be interested in participating in this program beginning fall 2021, please feel free to share this information. Thank you and have a great day.